بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum & Hi! 😃
I can't believe that I'm finally here to update something. Masha Allah.. It has been more than a year (literally 1 year and 3 months) since my very last unusual update and I thought that I will never update my blog again. Looking back at the past few years after I started working, I almost forgot that I have a precious blog where I can just write anything I want at any time whenever I feel like writing something. But I guess, people can forget easily at any cause except for something like someone's mistake to them (kot!). Hehehe. Anyway, it's not like I don't want to update something here but as always, my time constraint usually becomes the typical excuse for me. It's okay! I'm already here and definitely I won't forget this blog where I usually spent my free time since 10 years back. Oh my God! 10 years? Yesssss..
Well, 10 years of blogging is quite an achievement, a part of all the milestones that I have successfully accomplished within the 10 years (second decade) of my living in this world Alhamdulillah. 31st December 2019, Tuesday --- it was the very last day for the decade of 2010s. I believe that there must be so many remarkable things happened within 10 years to me & to everyone. Despite those achievements, for me, I can say that 2010s was the saddest decade in my life so far because I have lost a lot of my closest family members during the decade. Every soul will taste death & eventually, life goes on.. 😔 Al-Fatihah to those beloved who have left us in this world. The loves & thoughts will always remain, In Sha Allah. 💐
2010 - I lost my paternal grandmother.2011 - I lost my father.2016 - I lost my maternal grandfather.2017 - I lost my great maternal grandmother.2018 - I lost my maternal grandmother.
On myself, I believe that I have yet found the missing parts in me that I'm still searching for until today. At this age that already passing 25 years old of living, there are still a lot of things that I have to keep looking ahead which one of it is jodoh. A lot of my friends have settled down by getting married and have kids but I'm left behind on this jodoh thingy. Hehe. The past decade somehow witnessing 2 of my younger sisters getting married before me, Angah (on December 2015) & Ain (on November 2019). Alhamdulillah I'm very happy for them as I'm getting more niece & nephew(s) too while my very own dearest family is growing bigger Masha Allah. After several losses, Allah replaced the losses with arrival of our dearest Sofea Nafeesa the First (Angah's daughter) on January 2018. She's already turned 2 this year & we're having more babies coming on 2020 for Darleena family. Papa already became a Papa Mentua to 2 sons-in-law named Shafaris (Angah's husband) & Faris (Ain's husband), a Grandpa to Sofea & forever the loveliest Papa to Princesses Darleena. Papa will definitely be happy to see all the good changes if he's still here with us. We miss you a lot & we always miss you on every seconds of our breaths, Papa. May Allah reunite us all back in Jannah later, Aamiin Aamiin ya Rabb! 💕✨
After all, something to ponder: all this while we’ve been working hard & struggling to live a happy life. We don’t mind to put so much of efforts on it but we forget to strive towards the happy ending of our life; to die happily without any worry. We think more about our life in this temporary world instead of the eternal hereafter. Husnul khatimah that we all should dream of.. 🥺 Astaghfirullah al azim. Forgive us, Ya Rabb..
After all, something to ponder: all this while we’ve been working hard & struggling to live a happy life. We don’t mind to put so much of efforts on it but we forget to strive towards the happy ending of our life; to die happily without any worry. We think more about our life in this temporary world instead of the eternal hereafter. Husnul khatimah that we all should dream of.. 🥺 Astaghfirullah al azim. Forgive us, Ya Rabb..
I pray that the all new decade of 2020 will bring us all new hopes, new resolutions, new motivation towards the happy ending in our life & our happiness in hereafter. May Allah ease everything for everyone, may we all find the serenity & happiness that we’ve been looking for all this while. 🌸💕 Other than that, may Allah grant us with all that we need instead of what we wanted to have because after all only Allah knows the best for us. Let’s start the new year 2020 with bright smile & positivity yay! I just hope that it's not too late for me to wish Happy New Year everyone! 🥳🎉
P/s: Today is already the second last day of January 2020. For some people who considered January as your trial period of 2020, please be reminded that the trial period is due on tomorrow. Let's start the fresh new us on February 2020, no more delaying! (Oh yes I'm one of them subscribing for the trial period anyway! Hehehehe).
P/s: Today is already the second last day of January 2020. For some people who considered January as your trial period of 2020, please be reminded that the trial period is due on tomorrow. Let's start the fresh new us on February 2020, no more delaying! (Oh yes I'm one of them subscribing for the trial period anyway! Hehehehe).

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