BACK TO 2017!
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum & Hi! 😃
29th August 2017? OMG! Again.. It has been a while though.
More than a year after my last update on 2016! Kau gila qishh? Mana menghilang? Haha. As usual.. Saya ni mana pernah tak busy kannn. Kalau tak busy tu macam ajaib gila kot. :p Alhamdulillah I'm back! Still alive, sihat walafiat hendaknya namun masih busy macam dulu malah bertambah busy rasanya.. Hee. Bersawang teruk dah nii! Nanti lah panggil cleaner kasi cuci semua habuk kat blog ni. I mana lah ada masa kann. Kata busy.. Ni pun tetiba rasa rajin membuak buak nak update sebab tengah free sikit memandangkan this week dah nak cuti 4 hari and kerja pun tak berapa banyaklah Alhamdulillah.. Hiks! 😜
Macam mana hidup sejak dah rasmi berusia 24 tahun ini? Alhamdulillah.. Sangat sangat banyak perkara yang dah berlaku dalam hidup -- baik buruk pahit manis sedih gembira.. Semua ada bercampur baur segala yang bila compile semua memang kalau buat novel berpuluh jilid pun tak habis lahh.. Haha. Kalau nak catch up balik cerita dari A sampai Z memang panjang sebab dah lama sangat tak update blog kann tapinya In Sha Allah I will highlight apa apa yang dirasakan penting untuk dicoret coret kembali disini. Last I update on 19th June like almost 3 months ago pun saja lah copy paste pasal my color oracle jee and nothing much. Hmm okayy.. I will try my best gaisss.. *Cehh macam lah ada orang datang jenguk lagi blog picisan kita ni untuk baca entry kann. 🙈
Referring to my very last post about myself on 31st May 2016, I was highlighting about the few months of my 2016 while the previous post before on 13th January 2016 pula I cakap cakap pasal the highlighted life events of 2015. Lol! Setahun 2 entry updates saja ke like seriously? Dah cakap memang busy kann? Haha. Minta ampun lahh.. Minta ampun wehh. Bila throwback balik entries lama kat blog and even posts lama kat Facebook, Twitter, Instagram memang rasa macam nak menangisss.. 😭 Like I mentioned just now memang so many things happen within the whole year yang I terlepas nak update blog tu and now I feel like how I wish I have more free time untuk merepek dekat sini. Hah takpa.. Nasi dah jadi bubur kann? As for me, bubur lagi sedap dari nasi. So bubur tu bukanlah satu pengakhiran.. Kita sedapkan lah tambah rencah kehidupan dan kita nikmatinya asalkan perut jadi kenyang. Haha! Tengok budak ni merepek lagii..
So.. Following to this ENTRY..
1) Work? Hmmm. Sekarang rezeki saya masih di bidang construction. Alhamdulillah dah 7 bulan bekerja dengan sebuah syarikat multinasional dari Perancis yang terkenal di dunia dalam bidang geotechnical.. Nama company? Saya rahsiakan di sini. Hehe.
2) Study? Alhamdulillah dah masuk second year di University of Malaya. In Sha Allah kalau tiada aral yang melintang tahun ini saya akan habiskan pengajian. Sangat sangat banyak struggle disini memandangkan saya bekerja dan belajar dalam satu masa.. Tapi Allah masih beri kekuatan, selalu tolong budak ini untuk terus survive. Doakan saya!
3) Family? Again, Alhamdulillah.. Allah masih beri saya waktu untuk diluangkan bersama keluarga tercinta yang paling saya sayang paaaaling syurga dalam hidup saya. In Sha Allah sikit waktu nanti makin bertambah ahli-ahli dalam keluarga kami. Hehe. 😍 Papa.. Kaklong sentiasa rindukan Papa. Kaklong harap Papa bahagia tengok kami dari 'sana'. 💖
4) Relationship? Huhuhu. Taktahu lah nak cakap macam mana. Alhamdulillah dah terlepas dari azab, derita dan sakit hati yang sekian lama. Sungguh banyak pengajaran, hikmah serta ibrahnya. Hmmm cukuplah saya cakap disini yang Allah sedang merancang perjalanan yang paling indah buat saya In Sha Allah.. Doakan yang baik baik buat saya dengan siapapun itu yang nama dia dan saya akan bersama sama diikat untuk melayari bahtera cinta ke syurga kelak.. Ececehhh. 😆
5) Lain Lain? Hmmmmmmm. Again lah nak cakap.. Hahaha! Seriously wehhhhh banyak gila benda nak catch kalau nak diceritakan semua disini.. Oh yaa.. My bestfriend, Nabeela dah selamat menjadi isteri orang hampir sebulan yang lain.. Kawan kawan sekolah, kawan universiti, kawan kerja pun ramai dah kahwin dah beranak pinak pun, ada juga yang dulunya rapat sangat sangat kini dah macam taknak kawan dengan kita.. Sedihhh! Ada juga kawan yang dah lama tak jumpa tapi bila jumpa masih erat ukhwahnya macam dulu, ada juga dapat kawan baru malah rasa macam patah tumbuh hilang berganti kot.. 🙊 Okayfine.. Item "Lain-Lain" ni kita highlight pasal kawan pulak! Haha.
Entry ni macam dah panjang gila kann? Rasa macam nak selit gambar seketul dua (tiga empat limaa) tapinya nanti lagi panjang. Hmmm tapinya kalau takda gambar macam tak berseri pula entry. Kahkah! Perempuan adalah sangat complicated.. Okay letaklah sikit sambil baca sambil cuci mata so takda lah nampak boring kann. *Itu pun kalau ada orang baca. Duhhh.. Okay nampaknya sekarang nak kena gulung lah entry ni sambil berguling.. 💤
More than a year after my last update on 2016! Kau gila qishh? Mana menghilang? Haha. As usual.. Saya ni mana pernah tak busy kannn. Kalau tak busy tu macam ajaib gila kot. :p Alhamdulillah I'm back! Still alive, sihat walafiat hendaknya namun masih busy macam dulu malah bertambah busy rasanya.. Hee. Bersawang teruk dah nii! Nanti lah panggil cleaner kasi cuci semua habuk kat blog ni. I mana lah ada masa kann. Kata busy.. Ni pun tetiba rasa rajin membuak buak nak update sebab tengah free sikit memandangkan this week dah nak cuti 4 hari and kerja pun tak berapa banyaklah Alhamdulillah.. Hiks! 😜
Macam mana hidup sejak dah rasmi berusia 24 tahun ini? Alhamdulillah.. Sangat sangat banyak perkara yang dah berlaku dalam hidup -- baik buruk pahit manis sedih gembira.. Semua ada bercampur baur segala yang bila compile semua memang kalau buat novel berpuluh jilid pun tak habis lahh.. Haha. Kalau nak catch up balik cerita dari A sampai Z memang panjang sebab dah lama sangat tak update blog kann tapinya In Sha Allah I will highlight apa apa yang dirasakan penting untuk dicoret coret kembali disini. Last I update on 19th June like almost 3 months ago pun saja lah copy paste pasal my color oracle jee and nothing much. Hmm okayy.. I will try my best gaisss.. *Cehh macam lah ada orang datang jenguk lagi blog picisan kita ni untuk baca entry kann. 🙈
Referring to my very last post about myself on 31st May 2016, I was highlighting about the few months of my 2016 while the previous post before on 13th January 2016 pula I cakap cakap pasal the highlighted life events of 2015. Lol! Setahun 2 entry updates saja ke like seriously? Dah cakap memang busy kann? Haha. Minta ampun lahh.. Minta ampun wehh. Bila throwback balik entries lama kat blog and even posts lama kat Facebook, Twitter, Instagram memang rasa macam nak menangisss.. 😭 Like I mentioned just now memang so many things happen within the whole year yang I terlepas nak update blog tu and now I feel like how I wish I have more free time untuk merepek dekat sini. Hah takpa.. Nasi dah jadi bubur kann? As for me, bubur lagi sedap dari nasi. So bubur tu bukanlah satu pengakhiran.. Kita sedapkan lah tambah rencah kehidupan dan kita nikmatinya asalkan perut jadi kenyang. Haha! Tengok budak ni merepek lagii..
So.. Following to this ENTRY..
1) Work? Hmmm. Sekarang rezeki saya masih di bidang construction. Alhamdulillah dah 7 bulan bekerja dengan sebuah syarikat multinasional dari Perancis yang terkenal di dunia dalam bidang geotechnical.. Nama company? Saya rahsiakan di sini. Hehe.

Gambar silos dekat site tempat saya bekerja.
2) Study? Alhamdulillah dah masuk second year di University of Malaya. In Sha Allah kalau tiada aral yang melintang tahun ini saya akan habiskan pengajian. Sangat sangat banyak struggle disini memandangkan saya bekerja dan belajar dalam satu masa.. Tapi Allah masih beri kekuatan, selalu tolong budak ini untuk terus survive. Doakan saya!

Kekakaks classmates yang kita sayang sesangat.. Kaklizz & Kakzill. 💋
3) Family? Again, Alhamdulillah.. Allah masih beri saya waktu untuk diluangkan bersama keluarga tercinta yang paling saya sayang paaaaling syurga dalam hidup saya. In Sha Allah sikit waktu nanti makin bertambah ahli-ahli dalam keluarga kami. Hehe. 😍 Papa.. Kaklong sentiasa rindukan Papa. Kaklong harap Papa bahagia tengok kami dari 'sana'. 💖

Kaklong bersama monsters yang super annoying..
4) Relationship? Huhuhu. Taktahu lah nak cakap macam mana. Alhamdulillah dah terlepas dari azab, derita dan sakit hati yang sekian lama. Sungguh banyak pengajaran, hikmah serta ibrahnya. Hmmm cukuplah saya cakap disini yang Allah sedang merancang perjalanan yang paling indah buat saya In Sha Allah.. Doakan yang baik baik buat saya dengan siapapun itu yang nama dia dan saya akan bersama sama diikat untuk melayari bahtera cinta ke syurga kelak.. Ececehhh. 😆

Letak gambar cenggini aci takk? Kahkah. *Edit je nii.
5) Lain Lain? Hmmmmmmm. Again lah nak cakap.. Hahaha! Seriously wehhhhh banyak gila benda nak catch kalau nak diceritakan semua disini.. Oh yaa.. My bestfriend, Nabeela dah selamat menjadi isteri orang hampir sebulan yang lain.. Kawan kawan sekolah, kawan universiti, kawan kerja pun ramai dah kahwin dah beranak pinak pun, ada juga yang dulunya rapat sangat sangat kini dah macam taknak kawan dengan kita.. Sedihhh! Ada juga kawan yang dah lama tak jumpa tapi bila jumpa masih erat ukhwahnya macam dulu, ada juga dapat kawan baru malah rasa macam patah tumbuh hilang berganti kot.. 🙊 Okayfine.. Item "Lain-Lain" ni kita highlight pasal kawan pulak! Haha.

Qish with my bestfriend, Beela 💕
Entry ni macam dah panjang gila kann? Rasa macam nak selit gambar seketul dua (tiga empat limaa) tapinya nanti lagi panjang. Hmmm tapinya kalau takda gambar macam tak berseri pula entry. Kahkah! Perempuan adalah sangat complicated.. Okay letaklah sikit sambil baca sambil cuci mata so takda lah nampak boring kann. *Itu pun kalau ada orang baca. Duhhh.. Okay nampaknya sekarang nak kena gulung lah entry ni sambil berguling.. 💤
Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.. Syukur nikmat atas segala kebaikan yang Allah datangkan dan syukur nikmat juga atas segala ujian yang Allah datangkan mengajar kita tentang erti kehidupan serta untuk menghargai setiap hembusan nafas kita saban hari. Here we go.. Another quarterly entry of mine. Ahahaha. Till we meet next time in the next entry which I don't even know when. As a reminder -- Allah ciptakan kita dengan cinta, kita lahir hasil hubungan cinta, kita hidup di atas muka bumi ini juga dengan ihsan cinta dariNya maka hiduplah dengan penuh rasa cinta terhadapNya dan sebarkanlah cintaNya ke seluruh pelusuk muka bumi ini. Islam itu agama yang penuh dengan cinta maka sebarkanlah ia dengan cinta.. Moga ada lagi waktu untuk mencoret di sini lagi. *Benda ni saya copy paste dari entry lama jee sebab memang nak cakap benda sama againn. Hee. Nanti ada waktu maybe cuti lusa tulat tu In Sha Allah kita nak try update lagi dengan kupasan isu menarik. :p Salam sayang.. Doakan saya selalu and mashehh! 💕

Color Oracle of Qish Darleena
Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Pleasing
Of great importance to you now is...
...freeing yourself through an easier life.

You would like to finally rid yourself of personal problems which oppress you, and you hope you could somehow make your life easier. Your ideal is to be free of all things unpleasant, to never get upset over anything or anyone and to move through life unburdened. For this reason, you do what you can to avoid contact with people who cause you problems. It is to your disadvantage, though, that in doing this, you also avoid examining your problems, mistakes and weaknesses. You hope to make your life easier by...
You can ask yourself:
Does my strong desire to do something that brings me joy and always keeps me on the go stem from the need to repress unpleasant problems? Wouldn't it be better to take an unflinching look at these, analyze them and search for a way to solve them?
...optimistic self-encouragement.

Again and again, you consciously adopt a positive inner attitude. This helps you to better stand up under the hardships of the present. You create goals, projects or ideals for yourself that give you a boost and the hope that your life will be better and happier. You search for ways and means which allow you to enjoy life without care and to spend more time devoting yourself to the things that bring you joy. In order to forge ahead in good spirits you now need...
You can ask yourself:
Why do I actually try so hard to keep everything under control? Why do I try to prove to myself and others how hardworking I am? Does my value really depend only on whether I am admired for my accomplishments or special abilities?
...vigorous self-assertion.

You now want to pull out all the stops in order to achieve what you have planned. Your chances are good because if you feel something is important you are able to show initiative, grab the opportunity spontaneously and act with vigor. You can also display energetic efforts in your personal relationships: if you love or admire someone you are prepared to undertake quite a bit in order to win or hold on to his affection. You utilize a major portion of your powers for...
...objective assessment of the situation.

Whatever you perceive – people, things or information – you analyze it, both critically and with a certain amount of skepticism, because you want to be certain whether it is beneficial to you or not. You are not easily misled, and in line with the motto “once bitten, twice shy”, you keep your distance from everything that could damage your wallet, your reputation, your wellbeing or your peace of mind. One thing is utterly clear to you: your present situation requires...
...relaxing favorite pastime.

When the difficulties of daily life or human interaction become too much, you prefer to retreat to your favorite pastime, a quiet hobby or into the world of your thoughts, dreams and fantasies. If you try to achieve the necessary balance to daily routine through a regular practice of meditation, you will find what you have actually been looking for: inner detachedness and peace. It would also be ideal if you could occasionally spend time in the great outdoors. You believe a particular help in achieving the inner peace you desire is...
...nurturing useful relationships.

Due to the fact that you are stuck in a genuinely unpleasant situation, you seek contact with helpful people you hope will show you understanding and provide you with moral support. It could be that you receive the necessary encouragement, but in the end, you have to solve your personal problems yourself. Your common sense will help you in this.
Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Unpleasant
At the moment you feel most anxious due to your...
...fainthearted fear of failure.

At the present time, you are seriously challenged by stressful conditions. It may be job-related or interpersonal difficulties or emotional problems which threaten to rob you of strength. You force yourself to face the challenge nonetheless. Behind your unswerving attitude, hides the immobilizing fear that you might not make it, and as a result, could be exposed as incompetent or even as a failure, and would lose the respect of others. Since you find it embarrassing you don't let on anything about your...
Your unconscious advises you to:
When you believe you have reached the limits of what is bearable, breathe out deeply three times, and let you anger go with each exhalation. Continue taking calm, deep breaths and say to yourself that even the worst experience can be an aid in your development if you accept it as a challenge you can train your strengths on. One Japanese saying is: "Difficulties make a jewel of you".
...burdensome situation of suffering.

You believe people should behave correctly, considerately and kindly towards you so that your interactions run pleasantly and without friction. Since this is frequently not the case, you often become indignant over their incorrect behavior and views or their lack of kindness. You easily get the feeling of being someone's innocent victim and believe you have every right to be outraged. You also suffer quite a bit due to your...
Your unconscious advises you to:
When you believe you have reached the limits of what is bearable, breathe out deeply three times, and let you anger go with each exhalation. Continue taking calm, deep breaths and say to yourself that even the worst experience can be an aid in your development if you accept it as a challenge you can train your strengths on. One Japanese saying is: "Difficulties make a jewel of you".
...gruelling test of nerves.

Your sense of wellbeing is negatively affected by stressful circumstances. You often feel misunderstood, unfairly treated or left at the mercy of the unacceptable behavior of a person who is important to you. You don't want to let on that you are aggravated by this, and you keep your irritation to yourself. Inside you, though, the accumulated resentment strains your nerves. For this reason, you are not very emotionally resilient at this time. You assume an air of exaggerated superiority despite your...
...unpleasant contentiousness.

The behavior of certain other people is a thorn in your side. You don't feel like putting up with just anything without objection, and because of this, you can give no guarantee you won't end up in an argument with the person in question. Your stubborn attitude could easily provoke confrontations. At the moment, your mood is somewhat gloomy due to your...
...uncomfortable immobility.

There are times at which you feel as if you were chained to people or circumstances which restrict your personal freedom to act and move. You can get itchy when your affairs move slowly as a result or when you have to wait so long for the fulfillment of your wishes out of consideration for others. You also feel very uneasy due to your...
...distressing want for affection.

You are disappointed because, in your opinion, you don't receive enough physical affection and aren't able to experience enough erotic pleasure. This could lead you to seek consolation in other sensual pleasures or to distract yourself from this feeling of want through activities you find absorbing. At best, both of these will provide you with only temporary satisfaction.