من كان لله كما يريد، كان الله له فوق ما يريد
Siapa keadaannya seperti apa yang Allah inginkan;
Allah ada baginya melampaui segala harapan.

Hijab Fashion - A Fresh Revolution!

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum & hi there! ^^
Hmmm. It's been a while since my last update here. Due to the pack daily schedule and 1001 things that needed more attention from me, I've neglected my baby blog. Sorry dear.. I've got another life outside that I need to focus on. Hehe. I'm back today with an entry about the latest hijab fashion. Though I'm not really up to date with my own hijab fashion, but I don't think that it would be a problem for me to talk about it. So what say you? :)
We could see that in the last few years, latest hijab fashion is getting more attention from everyone especially the Muslim fashion lovers. Not forgotten among fashion designers and fashion enthusiasts who are always keen to bring this to the next level. As in our local industry itself, we also could see how hijab revolution is expanding years by years started with the famous ‘tudung bawal’ then changed to the phenomenon of ‘tudung sarung’ (which we believe still in demand) and many more type of hijab have been invented to fulfill the demand for the trend of latest hijab fashion. Isn't it a positive thing? In a row with the modernization, wearing hijab which is one of an obligation in our Deen (religion) has been accepted and many new hijab fashion have been invented to suit with the latest trends nowadays. ^^ Alhamdulillah..
Photo courtesy: BIKAYA @ ZALORA
Surveys have been done among the hijabsters (a group of lady whom wear hijab) and as you can see, the trend is changing again and people are starting to wear scarves or in other word ‘shawl’. This trend started in early 2013 and lots of designs have been created and the latest one is the practical ‘instant shawl’. This kind of invention surely can tell how fast the hijab fashion is growing these days. Yeay! all hail the latest hijab fashion for us! =D
Photo courtesy: Gorgeous Dareesa @ ZALORA

As what we can see, instant shawl is basically the easiest and simplest trend of hijab that can be worn by anyone. You can simply wear it without any brooch and pins since the inner is attached to the outer layer of the scarf. It is similar like you are wearing tudung sarung but with shawl-kinda-style. The instant shawl must be very convenient for ladies with the busy career life as for the students as well. There are many fashion , color and materials that can be suited with your age or style.
Photo courtesy: Qish Qish Butik @ ZALORA
Other that instant shawl, tudung hood or you can call it as hoodie is the other brilliant invention to any Muslimah who wants to look effortless gorgeous. There are various types and trends of hoodie in the market now where you can simply browse according to your personal style! From the simple basic hoodie to the one with beading and laces details on it, just name it as your preference. Wondering where to find those varieties of latest hijab fashion? Feel free to log on to ZALORA Malaysia website, the fastest growing online retailer in Southeast Asia. Many famous local hijab designers and boutique are gathering there providing you the latest hijab fashion updates that you can find daily with the nice attractive choices, thousands of varieties and surely with affordable prices that bring more convenience of the online shopping experinces to you, In Sha Allah. ^^
"And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed." - QS An-Nur [24:31]

In Sha Allah. ❤

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum & Hi! :)
You know.. Life is not complete without any test from Him and surely our life is nothing more than just a test for us, His servants. Throughout our life, we'll go through the up and down in each phase with it's own lessons. Whether it is good or bad, whether it is positive or negative and whether it is a blessing or loss, it is still considered as the test. We tend to have many reactions plus feelings towards the test that is constraining us. However, when we are aware that the test is actually giving many lessons for us, as the reminder and the sign of love from our Lord towards us, we tend to become redha to accept the test. As for me, there's one word that really can make me feel calm even when I'm really in mess and feeling at my worst during that time. One word that is showing my trust and my fullest faith towards my Lord.. That one word -- In Sha Allah.. ❤
Wallahi I can feel His purest love when I'm saying that word. I know that He's always be here with me even though I can't see Him and even when I'm not getting what I am hoping for, what I wanted the most at the time I'm really in needed of it. He wills, with His wills.. In Sha Allah! ❤

"And indeed we, if Allah wills, will be guided." [QS 2:70]
Bear in mind.. His planning for us is the best after all.
With the right place, right time, right heart and the right guidance..

In Sha Allah we will find our way towards what we want. In Sha Allah.. ❤ ^_^

III. [Overlapping]

Dearest immortal beloved,

Even in bed my ideas yearn towards you, my immortal beloved, here and there joyfully, then again sadly, awaiting from His fate, whether it will listen to us. I can only live, either altogether with you or not at all. Yes, I have determined to wander about for so long far away, until I can fly into your arms and call myself quite at home with you, can send my soul enveloped by yours into the realm of spirits — yes, I regret, it must be. You will get over it all the more as you know my faithfulness to you; never another one can own my heart, never — never! O Allah, why must one go away from what one loves so, and yet my life in here. as it is now is a miserable life. Your love made me the happiest and unhappiest at the same time. At my actual age I should need some continuity, sameness of life — can that exist under our circumstances? Angel, I just hear that the post goes out every day — and must close therefore, so that you get the H. at once. Be calm — love me — today — yesterday.

What longing in tears for you — you — my life — my all — farewell. 
Oh, go on loving me — never doubt the faith-fullest heart of your beloved..

Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.


Dearest immortal beloved,
My angel, my all, my own self — only a few words today, and that too with pencil (with yours) — only till tomorrow is my lodging definitely fixed. What abominable waste of time in such things — why this deep grief, where necessity speaks?
Can our love persist otherwise than through sacrifices, than by not demanding everything? Canst thou change it, that thou are not entirely mine, I not entirely thine? Oh, God, look into beautiful nature and compose your mind to the inevitable. Love demands everything and is quite right, so it is for me with you, for you with me — only you forget so easily, that I must live for you and for me — were we quite united, you would notice this painful feeling as little as I should...
...We shall probably soon meet, even today I cannot communicate my remarks to you, which during these days I made about my life — were our hearts close together, I should probably not make any such remarks. My bosom is full, to tell you much — there are moments when I find that speech is nothing at all. Brighten up — remain my true and only treasure, my all, as I to you. The rest the gods must send, what must be for us and shall.

Yours faithfully.

Update Sekejap.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum & hai awak!

Jumu'ah mubarokah! Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. Sempat rupanya curi waktu nak menjengah ke sini.. Memang belakangan sangat sibuk dengan pelbagai urusan sampaikan tak ada masa nak update blog. Okay ini memang serius.. Huhu. Nak update satu satu entri ini bukan ambil waktu yang kejap kalau bagi saya yang hmm hmmm slow ini. ^^" Mahu tak mahu, terpaksa curi waktu bila betul betul tengah tak busy dan boleh fokus baru lah dapat update dengan selamat. Hiks. Ini nama dia update sekejap dengan pantas nak memecah kesunyian sebabtu isi dia takda isi pun. Haha.

My very first entry for the month of March. Huu. Nampaknya hajat nak update secara rajin pada setiap minggu tahun ini dah tett tett tettttt.. Haha. Zibi bebenornya pun awak. Anyway, nak cerita apa ni sebenarnya Qish? Okay sebenarnya taktahu lah nak cerita apa awakk.. Sebab yang saya perasan sangat belakangan ini, masa berlalu sangat cepat sampai nak buat apa apa pun selalu terkejar kejar. Serba serbi terasa suntuk sampai nak tidur pun tak sempat. *okay tipuu!* Walhal hari hari mesti awal saja dah terlena. Esok paginya bangun pergi sekolah, petang balik sekolah dan hari hari berlalu macamtu saja lah sebab sibuk sangat. Haha.

Hmmm. So far, how's your life Qishh? Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. All fully praises to Allah for every blessings and every single things that He has decided for my life. For having a beautiful perfect family that always make me happy, for having a good boy (baca: man) that can accept me for who I am, for having nice friends in my surroundings and for everything that I have.. I'm feeling very blessed.. Alhamdulillah ya Allah.. Tapi macam biasa lah kan, hidup kita ada turun naiknya juga. Kejap dalam keadaan gembira, kejap dalam keadaan sedih. Semuanya Allah bagi rasa supaya kita tidak hanyut dan leka terus. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal wa ni'mah, wa astaghfirullah min kulli zanbi.. Segala puji bagi Dia, Rabbul Izzati. Syukur nikmat atas segala cabaran serta dugaan yang sungguh mengajar erti hidup buat kami. Moga ditetapkan hati kami dalam agama suci ini, moga makin meningkat iman kami & moga kami selalu taat akan perintahMu ya Allah. T_T Hmm okayy. I've got to go now because I do need to catch a lot of things today. May Allah ease everything In Sha Allah. Stay tuned! :D

-سبحان الله الحمدلله لا اله الا الله الله اكبر -

17.2.15 - Entry Jam 1645.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Selalunya kita menulis atau berkata kata dengan sebab.
Kita akan sampaikan apa yang kita nak sampaikan.
Tapi pada orang, lain yang sampai pada kefahamannya.

Lain kefahaman orang, sebenarnya itu bukan masalah kita.
Kefahamannya itu masalahnya, tapi jadi tanggungjawab kita juga.
Bila kita takmahu orang salah faham dengan kita, kita perlu adakan yang jelas.

Allah menguji kita dengan apa yang kita katakan.
Sesiapa pun yang berkata kata, Allah akan menguji apa yang dikata.
Baik atau buruk, atas apa yang dikata itu. Allah akan uji.

Apa yang dah keluar dari perkataan kita itu?
Serupa bikin ke? Cakap sembang kosong atau betul terlaksana?
Atau mungkin Allah akan uji melalui penerimaan dan tanggapan orang.
Sesungguhnya, melalui itu akan terlihat jelas. Betapa manusia sungguh berbeza!

Yang penting, kalau ada berbeza pendapat, kita raikan. Tak boleh judge, condemn, provoke, pertikaikan apa orang lain kata. Lain orang lain pandangan dan cara mereka kerana setiap yang dipilih pasti ada sebab musababnya. Tak boleh bersangka sangka atau buat assumption. Tak boleh juga mulakan dalam satu khalayak sebab bila ramai yang lihat, maka ramai lah yang terlibat.

Nak orang hormat kita?
Kita pun hormatlah pada orang.
Hormat tak kira usia, darjat mahupun cara hidup.
Asalkan Allah redha. Allah redha. Allah redha... =)

-سبحان الله الحمدلله لا اله الا الله الله اكبر -

2015 Masihi.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum wbt & salam sejahtera..

Sudah hampir tiga minggu tahun baru 2015 membuka tirai namun masih tak punya perasaan untuk mencoret apa apa. Lantaran perginya 2014 yang penuh hiba dan munculnya 2015 dengan sisa duka juga. Tak punya apa apa yang pantas diceritakan disini.. Cuma ingin mencoret sebaris harapan -- moga moga hari yang penuh dengan warna warni pelangi semakin hampir mendekati kami kerana kami disini masih setia dan sabar menanti tibanya kamu sang pelangi. =) Aamiin aamiin aamiin.. In Sha Allah, Bi Iznillah. :D
Andaikanlah bila diri ini ditakdirnya oleh Allah untuk menjadi rumput dan bukan manusia. Hanya hidup di padang beralaskan tanah.. Hijau murni, harum segar baunya. Walaupun dipijak, dicabut, dipotong dan jadi makanan haiwan makhluk Allah -- bila sudah habis, habis terus. Tiada langsung hisabnya di Akhirat nanti bagi rerumput yang pernah hidup..
Semalam berbaring menanti waktu untuk mata terlelap sendiri.. Langsung terkenangkan rentetan selama hidup di atas bumi Allah. Penuh dosa dan cela hina pada diri hamba. Bagaimana lah agaknya kalau secara tiba tiba datang si Izrail memberi salam membawa utusan ajal buat si hina ini.. Tak tertanggung banyaknya dosa yang hendak dihisab. Entah diampunnya entahkan tidak sekalipun atas taubat yang pernah dibuat dalam munajat. Seronoknya jadi sang rerumput yang tiada hisab.. Huhu. T_T Apapun, Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal wa ni'mah, wa astaghfirullah min kulli zanbi. Atas hayat serta hembusan nafas yang masih terus Dia pinjamkan hingga ke detik ini. Sungguh tak pernah cukup syukur dalam hati hamba hina ini. Moga diampunkan dosa kita, dipermudahkan segala urusan kita semua pada hari hari yang mendatang. Hanya padaMu tempat kami bergantung ya Rabbul Izzati. Wassalam.. =)

-سبحان الله الحمدلله لا اله الا الله الله اكبر -