بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum & Hi! 😃
16th June 2020 / 24 Shawwal 1441H (Tuesday)
It's my birthday yay! I woke up that morning while opening two precious presents; my beautiful eyes that keep allowing me to enjoy the sight in this world as well as the gift of breathing to keep me alive & so much more. Another year older, another year wiser hopefully. From a playful little dreamer to a grown up lady. I’m more than blessed, Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.. 💕
It was during the working day, therefore I took 2 days off just to celebrate my annual special day. Hiks! Me, Mama, Pony & Faiz went for my birthday dinner at Jibby East (I chose that place). They arranged to surprise me with Happy Birthday song by Jibby East crew along with a yummy slice of pavlova that I have always loved! Same as every year, overwhelming wishes & prayers from all those people I love! Thank you my dearest family & friends, to everyone for the thoughtful wishes & prayers. My parents deserved the prayers more than I do. May Allah hears all the prayers & grants the best of best in return of your prayers.. Aamiin aamiin ya Rabb. ✨
Nothing much to share but the blessings of course. Alhamdulillah again! 🥰❤️ Let me just share the photos of foods that we have been enjoying during that night. Jemput cuci mata! All the foods are yummy I must say.
Sweet Potato Fries
Squid Ink Spaghetti
Beef Lasagna
Braised Lamb Shank
Since that me & Angah's birthday, also Mama's wedding anniversary with Almarhum Papa are only few days apart, we had a family gathering on the following weekend on 20th June during Angah's birthday. Mama cooked her delicious Laksa Johor upon my request & I ordered my favourite Tauhu Bergedil. We also had our hearty Kek Batik Indulgence, Lotus Biscoff Cheese Cake & Kuih Kole Kacang as desserts. Masha Allah I couldn't be happier whenever I'm being with my Darleena family yay! I want to share the yummy photos here, too. Hehe.
It has been a month since my very new age but all loves & memories shall remain, though. I choose to keep the memories here, just in case. “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius 💐 Till then! 💋